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If it can Rust, Seize, or Squeak, Spray it with Super-Lube
KatzAzz SUPERLUBE is formulated with Pro Max (Anti-Friction Formula). Advanced technology to lubricate, penetrate, and prevent corrosion, free sticky mechanisms, displace moisture, stop squeaks, and reduce friction and wear on all metal surfaces.
Industrial Grade
It cleans and protects metal surfaces, tools or any metal equipment exposed to water or weather. It provides easy-to-apply protection and lubrication for hundreds of industrial, commercial, automotive and recreational uses. Its called KatzAzz for a good reason ... it’s amazing!
Cat's Ass urban dictionary
Pinnacle of quality. When something is beyond words to express with the english language. To express extreme awe with some action. Someone or something exceptional. An exclamation of sublime excellence. A person, thing, or event held in high regard.
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